If you’re in for industrial design with a retro touch, revisit Nomad. More precisely, Nomad LED. Timeless passe-partout
Arguably Modular L.I.’s flagship product, Nomad never settles. It is loyal, however. Sporting tiny drivers, and a LED unit that looks exactly like the luminaire’s first
halogen bulb, Nomad LED respects the original design to perfection. Available in fittings of 2x and 4x light units, in white structure, black or aluminium, with or without integrated gear. The sweetheart of architects is ready for your next project.
Comes with a choice of different accessories
Nomad is also available with AR111 socket (12V), PAR30 and GU10 socket. Contact us for information on these products.
Contact Another Story for more information about choice of accessories, drivers and prices on